
TraDove Hits $45 Million in Funds Raised With 5 Days Remaining

TraDove is an upcoming blockchain startup that looks to unlock corporate demand for a token based B2B marketing, sales, and trade platform. TraDove has recognized a clear opportunity in the business-to-business markets where needs are not yet being realized. TraDove has built a matchmaking platform for connecting potential business partners in a secure transparent environment using blockchain technology.  

TraDove’s native token BBCoin will be used to make all forms of transactions throughout the platform empowering buyer and seller interactions. BBCoin is one of the very first B2B-related coin offerings to hit the red hot cryptocurrency markets. The token will significantly reduce the costs and transaction times associated with international payments, very common in supplier-purchaser relationships, among other inherent blockchain benefits, like transparency.   

To date, the TraDove token sale has taken off and has just crossed $45 million out of the $50 million hard cap. The sale ends in just 5 days, making this one of the most successful ICOs to date in 2018. BBCoins are priced at $0.16 USD each, and investors will need to make a purchase of at least $640 USD to participate.

The B2B Solution that TraDove Solves

TraDove is a social network that connects corporate buyers, sellers, products, services, and companies. Using the TraDove platform any company can market and advertise to another business in a precise, targeted way. Finding the right suppliers for your business traditionally required a long vetting process, but not anymore.

TraDove uses the blockchain to offer complete transparency to both suppliers and buyers on the network. Both parties can easily verify the credentials of their potential business partner, ensuring they are who they claim to be.

Highly Credentialed Company With a Completed Product

The most interesting aspect of the business is that TraDove has already launched their social network years ago. The network is home to over 250,000 corporates users and 100,000+ companies spanning over 80 unique countries. Pepsi, Starbucks, Huawei, Nestle, and Wal-Mart are just a handful of participating brand names using the TraDove product.

This shouldn’t come as much of surprise once you have a look at the team behind this project. Take your pick between former Facebook, Alibaba, Amazon, or LinkedIn; this is a star-studded team ready to tackle a big problem in the B2B space. It’s also worth noting the significance of the advisory team; Richard Rosenberg, former chairman and CEO of Bank of America, Phil Duff, former CFO of Morgan Stanley, and Mike Honda, retired US Congressman, are just a handful of the names behind TraDove.

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