
Clintex: Blockchain-based Clinical Data Analytics with a Difference.

New and upcoming data manipulation technologies like Blockchain are gradually revolutionising fields with heavy data flow. The medical sphere isn’t any stranger to big data issues. Large amounts of time and resources are unnecessarily utilised to handle and transfer reliable data in the Clinical Trial Management services. Clinical Trials data is complex, volatile and slow to process and transfer. ClinTex brings the blockchain powered platform CTi to revolutionise the clinical trials process.

What is ClinTex ?

ClinTex CTi is a blockchain based platform for clinical trials industry. CTi provides a collaborative platform for clinical trials. It leverages the benefits of data analytics, machine learning and blockchain to bring to its clients an experience that makes the trials faster, economical and more reliable. The CTi platform provides an end-to-end solution that provides tools to drive significant quality and operational improvements in running clinical trials.

How does ClinTex bring these tools to its clients? Decentralised Apps are the modules used to implement these functionalities into the platform. The OEM, Clinical Data Visualisations, Predictive Analysis, Risk Based Monitoring etc. apps are built around by the ClinTex team to bring an amazing experience and efficient work output.

The Team and how ClinTex started?

The ClinTex team consists of experts and professionals in fields that are involved in the services provided by the company. Top talent from the pharmaceutical and clinical trials industry create the able team that is behind ClinTex CTi. With ClinTex, you get an assurance of expertise in each aspect of the service, be it the blockchain applications, business development, medical and clinical trial services or legal aspects.

Their qualifications and achievements are to prove for their ability in bringing to the clients an absolutely proficient service. You can expect an amazing overall results in each field of the diverse services that the CTi platform offers for your clinical trial management needs.

ClinTex Use Cases and Applications

The ClinTex CTi platform is moduled into several decentralised apps which diversify the use cases and applications that are possible with this platform. Starting from the underlying principle of blockchain, we get multiple uses out of it. Data security, immutability of transactions and data and interoperability are some of the features that we extract from the blockchain technology.

Coming to the Dapps, we have an array of applications that are already visualised for the platform and its users. Monitoring performances and risks, maintaining patient safety and third-party vendor data and driving predictive analysis on the clinical data are some of the ways clients can exploit this service.

The ClinTex Token

Without a smart contract, blockchain isn’t blockchain. CTi utilises smart contracts on a permission-less ethereum. The native CLX token is based on ERC20 standard, and is the utility token for the CTi platform. The participants of the CTi network will be a part of the decentralised ecosystem by the means of the CLX token.

This token will introduce a more efficient way of carrying out transactions in the network, and give it a stability factor. Smarter methods and ways will be brought in with the value of CLX token in hand of the stakeholders.  

For more information, visit the Clintex website:

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