Liber, a currency exchange platform of dynamic growth with more than 500,000 users has emerged recently. Let’s look at what factors have contributed to the dynamic growth of Liber.


Company information
Liber Ltd works in financial trading area with enrollment number 174775, Authorised and Regulated by Belize (Belize Securities and Exchange Commission).
Outstanding technologies applied in our Forex trading floor:
1. Artificial intelligence (AI)
Our advanced trading system is a safe management system that has been built for years. The system automatically analyzes abnormal trade to quickly issue automatic and semi-automatic processes, which supports a flawless system operation and issues warnings about system safety, providing more assistance to be initiative in problem dealing.
2. Bigdata
This technology provides assistance in archiving the whole trading data of millions users. All trading history is archived entirely in full transparency. The system also archives price graph and marketing events of different scales. Indicators are archived entirely and analyzed by AI system to logically and scientifically produce daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly statistics. Those statistics are valuable sources of reference for our customers to look at before deciding to order new stock.
3. Blockchain
Hackers are not able to attack and make any change to our, trading and statistics as our data is archived up in an isolated Blockchain network. Hence, our customers are entirely reassured that there is transparency and integrity in system datasets.
By remaining client-centric culture, our mission is to provide clients with the best customer service. In this way, we can achieve a view to upholding our position in the market as a pioneering company well-known for its customer service so that we can promote the safety and prestige of our own system, bringing customers absolute reassurances.
GOAL (2020-22)
Diversify product category in trading floor by adding product as following:
- Metal and energy
- Index
- Stock
- Cargo
- Crytocurrency
– Bond
Henceforth, it provides investors with more trading options, which creates diversity and chances for investors. During this period, we will develop marketing and media strategy to extend our market to the world with a view to gain 2 million users within 2 years.
GOAL (2022-25)
Thanks to our continuous development orientation, Liber LTD may announce the IPO in the New York Stock Exchange floor in 2025. It is an important goal toward our long-term development strategy. Therefore, our team is putting in extraordinary efforts to achieve the goal.
After being successfully listed, we will build an equivalent structure to change Libfx token into our stock. There will be an additional gratitude policy for investors with the Libfx token.

The Introduction of Token
Libfx (stand for Liber Token) is created on the basis of Ethereum and in accordance with a standard of ERC-20.
Total supply: 35.000.000 Libfx.
Grounds for Token Release
We need support from the public to quickly gain the missions and goals that we have proposed. However, token release is not just for our initial goal to call for funding but it is tied to our development strategy in the following specific way:
- Token is used as a payment method on the trading floor.
- People charging by token on the trading floor will enjoy special promotion programs
(those promotion programs will be soon published)
- Libfx owners have exclusive rights to purchase Liber Ltd’s stock as it is listed on the
stock exchange floor.
Libfx is introduced with a view to be integrated into a future digital stock system.


– 2019: Build and developing a basic trading platform in which AI, Big Data and Blockchain is applicable. Completely build the teams operating the whole system
– Q1 2020: Introduce the trading platform, make the trading floor come into practical operation, officially mark the appearance of Liber Ltd in the currency exchange market.
– Q2 2020: Continue to improve and upgrade the system in terms of function and technology.
– Q3 2020: Release Libfx token to fuel the strong development of the trading floor.
– Q4 2020: Expand the market all over the world, propose to have 500.000 users in the whole system.
– 2021: Diversify products on the trading floor, build an intelligent statistical system to support investors in decision making. Payment method using Libfx token is provided in this period and there are promotion policies only for users who use the token to charge in.
– 2022: Set goal to gain 2 million users in the whole system.
– 2022-2025: Finish administrative paperwork and detailed plan for IPO announcement and simultaneously publish exclusive rights for investors owning Libfx tokens to hold stock of our company.

We believe that Liber will soon be the top currency exchange platform in the market for its potential and growth.
This is detailed information about Liber exchange floor and LIBFX.
You can refer to the following sources for more detailed information:
Website of Liber LTD:
Website of LIBFX Token:
Facebook Fanpage:
Telegram Channel: